Step 10: Adjust Anti-Roll Bar Level (ARB)

Anti-Roll Bar Level
“Adjust the stiffness of the anti-roll bar, which connects the left and right
sides of the car. The higher the value, the stiffer the bar, meaning that
horizontal rolling (e.g. from centrifugal force) is restricted. Making the front
anti-roll bar stiffer will make it easier to understeer, while making the rear
anti-roll bar stiffer will make it easier to oversteer.”
ARB effects apply to slow turn only. A stiffer anti-roll bar at one end of
the car will increase the load on the outside tire at that end. You must find
balance between grip (lower values) and steering accuracy (higher value),
with neutral handling (no under-oversteer).
General rule: Keep ARB as soft as possible while maintaining sufficient
control of the car and body roll and the proper handling balance. Softer
settings lead to more compliance and more grip on that end of the car. They
also tend to be slower responding and easier to drive, but stiffer settings can
be more stable and faster responding.