Step 13: Fine-tune ride height

Ride Height mm
“Tweak the suspension to adjust the distance between the car and the
ground. In general, it is better for the car to be lower, and closer to the
ground. However, if the car’s ride height is too low, it increases the risk of
the kerb or other objects damaging the car’s body. The car’s front and rear
ride height can be adjusted independently, allowing you to alter the weight
distribution between the front and rear wheels.”
Lower is Better. But keep in mind that if you want to lower you Natural
Frequency (we’ll see it next) you need a slightly higher ride. Look at the
kerbs: with flat kerbs you can afford to go lower. Bumpy high kerbs means
you need to stay higher. Asfalt conditions also count, as some road tracks
are very bumpy and uneven.
General Rule: Always tune your front height about 20-30mm LOWER than
the back. Reason is weight transfer, you will have much more control while
braking, because the car will be already close to “dive” position.
The difference between front and rear height creates aero-grip, through thr flaat bottom of the racecar and the rear diffuser.
You can also fine-tune under and oversteer by lowering the height where you need more grip.