Step 9: Adjust Front Toe OUT / Rear Toe IN

Toe Angle Degree(s)
“Adjust the angle of the car’s front tyres as looked at from above. Move the
slider to the right to cause a toe-in angle, where the wheels point in towards
the centreline of the car. Move the slider to the left to provide a toe-out angle,
where the wheels point out away from the centreline of the car. A toe-in
angle provides more stability when driving in a straight line, though it also
increases the risk of understeering. A toe-out angle has the opposite effect.”
Race cars need Front Toe OUT / Rear Toe IN
● Front toe out is a useful tool that can easily speed steering response and
reduce understeer in the first part of a turn:
Correct Front Toe OUT:
√ Helps reduce understeer on turn-in
√ Makes car more responsive to steering input
√ Helps FWD and AWD cars counter their natural tendency to toe-in under
throttle load
Too much Front Toe OUT:
X Makes car twitchy under braking
X An extreme amount of front toe-out will cause the car to refuse to turn
and go into unrecoverable understeer
X Unstable in a straight line
● Rear toe in makes the car more stable under power application while turning.
It also reduces oversteer on RWD cars. Too much rear toe in can cause
initial understeer and snap oversteer:
Correct Rear Toe IN:
√ Helps a RWD car get on the throttle sooner and harder, making power
oversteer feel more natural and manageable
Too much Rear Toe IN:
X Tendency to understeer in turn exit, unstable entering a corner, generally
strange feeling on turn-in, very unstable
General rule: GT Sport default Toe Angle is always TOO MUCH, especially